We're excited you're here! Go ahead and scroll down to learn more about our HPC Family. We'd love to have you join us in worship during an upcoming Sunday and you'll find everything you need to be ready right here.
We're excited you're here! Go ahead and scroll down to learn more about our HPC Family. We'd love to have you join us in worship during an upcoming Sunday and you'll find everything you need to be ready right here.
About Hudson Presbyterian Church
At Hudson Presbyterian Church you'll find a community of believers driven by the love & grace of Christ and a high regard for His Truth & Word. We truly are a church family that seeks to grow together & strives to live out our call to be the body of Christ.
If you've never been to HPC and would like to visit, our goal is to make your first time with us as comfortable and enjoyable as possible. If you have any questions that aren't answered here, please head to our Staff Page and feel free to send any of us an email for more information.
We look forward to seeing you in worship or at any other events that have peaked your interest. Keep reading below for our Values, FAQ's and more!
As you look at HPC as your possible Church home please know that we have a Vision for Ministry and Mission that guides all of our Preaching, Classes, and Ministries -- "Hudson Presbyterian Church will be KNOWN as a place where people come to KNOW Jesus, SERVE Jesus, and BRING OTHERS to Jesus." We are very excited about the work of the Lord, and our call to be part of it!
Tour Our Church
Now you can check out HPC without even leaving the comfort of your own home! Just pick a room below for a virtual tour of our entire church!
First Floor
Sanctuary | Barry Jones Parlor | Libby Ewing Parlor | Infant Nursery
Second Floor
Youth Room | Game Room | Noah's Room | Children's Room
Fellowship Hall | Choir Room | ECC Classroom 1 | ECC Classroom 2
ECC Classroom 3 | Pete's Library
frequently asked questions
What can I expect on a Sunday morning?
Your first time visit to HPC starts when you first pull in. We have multiple visitor parking spaces right by the main entrance to make sure you get a great spot. When enter you'll be greeted by some friendly faces at the door. If you have little ones, head to the right of the building and you'll find our Nurseries. We love having children join us and we don't mind if they get a little fussy so please don't feel self-conscious. We do provide Children's bags right outside the Sanctuary that you can take in with you for children.
What is your worship style like?
Worship at HPC leans more to the traditional side. We are led in hymns by organ, piano, and choir. We also frequently have special music as part of our services, including occasional contemporary selections.
What should I know about Communion?
Our Communion Table is open to all who profess Christ as their Lord & Savior. You don't need to be a member of our church or even Presbyterian to take communion at HPC. We serve communion on the first Sunday of every month. We're also sure to have a gluten-free option, because we don't want the table to be closed to anyone due to food allergies.
Do you provide Nursery care?
Absolutely! We have two Nurseries, one for infants and another for toddlers. Both well maintained, clean, and fully staffed by multiple adults who have passed stringent background check requirements as well as volunteer students.
What should I wear?
Some wear suits, others come in jeans. People dress in a variety of ways at HPC. Simply wear whatever you and your family feel most comfortable in.
I need Prayer! What do I do?
We would love to pray for and with you. You can contact the church office, pastor, or any staff by phone or email. You can also send and email to our prayer team at inhisname@hudsonpc.org If you indicate, your prayer will be kept confidential and only shared with our Senior Pastor.